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The Real Estate Sales Podcast

Nov 26, 2021

The secret to running a solid real estate business is really no secret; generating more listings is the key to lasting and robust success in the industry. In today’s episode of The Real Estate Sales Podcast, Jimmy details seven steps you can take to start generating more listings to ultimately close more deals and make more money (which sure sounds like a win-win to us.)

  1. Have a database full of homeowners.
  • Everyone you know should be in your database. (That is, anyone who owns a home.) Regular maintenance and upkeep of your database will pay dividends when you send different messages and tactics to people based on various criteria.
  • The more homeowners you enter, the more people you can contact to stay top-of-mind.
  • Enter as much detailed information as possible. With more detail, you’ll be better able to add value to their lives.
  1. Send email property updates.
  • Consistently send out notices whenever there is a market change that could affect their evaluation. 
  • In general, keep these short and concerning their specific home, area, or neighborhood. 
  1. Distribute a monthly newsletter.
  • In your newsletter, include information and updates about trends in the overall market, sales in the area or changes that can affect their home evaluation.
  • Because the previous tactic focuses on smaller-scale industry changes, this newsletter should focus on larger-scale items that affect a more significant number of people.
  1. Leverage Homebot.
  • This system sends detailed, personalized real estate reports via email each month based on dozens of data points.
  • The update discusses tax consequences, current equity, and other nuanced topics that give your contact an in-depth look at the financial elements of their property.
  1. Consistent video CMAs
  • For an exciting and value-driven video CMA, record your screen, show relevant data, and give a personalized evaluation for your client’s home.
  • Every six months, reach out to each person in your database to provide this CMA (including a range for their home’s evaluation.)
  • These are unsolicited but highly personalized messages that keep you top-of-mind.
  1. Personalized phone calls
  • Every 3-6 months, have a personal conversation with each person in your database.
  • This is a great way to build conversations and relationships with people in a way email just can’t do.
  • Plan these calls to be when the target is not receiving a video CMA to ensure they receive a consistent stream of messaging.
  1. Run Adwerx SOI campaigns
  • WIth an SOI campaign, you simply enter your audience’s email addresses. Then, wherever they go on the internet, they’ll see banner ads for your business.
  • You’ll be in front of the audience you want to be, for just pennies per day!

If you keep these criteria in mind, you’ll be the leader of listings for your area in no time! Do you have a video or content idea that is perfect for your business? Share it with Jimmy! Connect with Jimmy Burgess on LinkedIn and Facebook and his YouTube channel.  If you like what you heard today, we’d love it if you’d share a rating or review and then subscribe to the podcast and tell others about it as well. You can find The Real Estate Sales Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Audible, and our website, The Real Estate Sales Podcast.